Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm Right!!

There are many ups and downs in my job. Most of the time, it can be completely monotonous, doing a lot of the same things over and over. Same standard Answers to Complaints or Objections. Same standard discovery answers. Same routine in how to defend certain cases. Same usual cost of defense settlements even when our client is probably not liable because settlement is cheaper than trial or even summary judgment (blech).

Every once in a while, we get some real interesting cases that require actual legal research, and involve a significant amount of damages that we get the green light to really fight a claim. And when my research shows that my client should win and the plaintiff refuses to acknowledge the logic of my arguments, nothing feels so good as when a court agrees that I AM RIGHT! Yeah, I just saved my client millions of dollars, and yeah the case is not over as the plaintiff will no doubt appeal, but still I WAS RIGHT!!! HA HA HA!

Ok, got that off my chest.

It just feels so good to know that the hours I spent researching the law, reading many dozens of cases, checking citations to dozens of more cases, following every possible tangent, reading and rereading deposition transcripts for both the best and worst testimony, reviewing hundreds and hundreds of documents, all ended up PROVING ME RIGHT!

I can handle the routine of my work knowing that these moments come along where I finally feel that the money and hours I spent on my legal education and work experience was worth it, that I helped my client (who likely would have to file for bankruptcy if we lost, putting a lot more people out of work)and I WAS RIGHT!! I was right on the law, right on the facts, right in all my case cites and legal interpretation, right in all my arguments.

I just can't hear that enough sometimes. :)

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