Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Another One, Seriously?

While I believe that politicians' sex lives shouldn't be important and as big a deal as our media makes it out to be, the fact is, our media does, and our public does. Otherwise, tabloid papers and paparazzi would be out of business.

So, knowing that it is a huge deal that is totally blown out of proportion, and knowing that anything once put on the internet is forever on the internet, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE MEN? I mean seriously, is it that hard to keep one's sex life private and off the computer? Is it that hard to stay faithful, or have an agreement with one's wife? Did you even try to talk with your wife about your issues?

These men have to know that every moment of their life has the potential to be scrutinized and publicized. If they don't want to be public figures, then stay out of politics. You can't have it both ways - obviously. They obviously know what they are doing won't be viewed in a good light, that's why they lie about it, which of course, makes it worse. And naturally, those lies will be exposed. You think that makes people view you better? Now you've exposed yourself in some way and you lied about it, in public. Way to go.

If you want to have your sex and politics, move to France or Italy. Otherwise, buck up, live within this society's prudish morals for politicians, and keep it off the internet.

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