Friday, September 24, 2010

Year of Change

When one is a new parent, each year seems to be one of change. Until the kids are fully ensconced in school, it seems like there's always something different going on from the year before.

This year brings many new things in my life, a bit more than in the last few years. Camille is starting kindergarden, so now we are firmly committed to family vacations only in the Summer. We can no longer do two-week Christmas trips to France (except in certain special circumstances, which must be rare), as the elementary school only gets 1 week winter break (actually ends up being a week and a day or two, depending on how the holidays fall). Camille can't just stay out of school for a day 'whenever' as we could in daycare/pre-school.

Also for the first time, the kids don't spend their days in the same location. Three days a week, Elise goes back to the pre-school Cami went too. So Cami gets dropped off at the sitter's (a neighbor mom) house first, then I take Elise to pre-school. This has been hard on Elise, to go to school without her big sister with her. Cami, at least, has gone to school/daycare by herself before, so its not as big a change. Two days a week, we take Elise to the sitter's as well, to help the transition. That way, they have the morning together before Cami goes to Kindergarden, and then the late afternoon after kindergarden is over.

Its not easy doing two trips now in the morning and afternoon. Only have to do this for 2 years, until Elise is in kindergarden.

This year, I also started the kids in their extra-curricular activities. Cami started with swim classes at the Y over the summer and now that Elise is 3, she participates as well. They're doing gym/swim for early fall and I plan to sign them up for ballet in late fall. Saturday mornings are no longer sleep-in relax time, and probably won't be again for several years to come. Soon I'll probably have to choose one day a week at work to leave extra early for other after-school activities.

Stef's and my job situation appears to have stabilized, which is a good thing, especially in this economy. Stef likes his job and got a raise. After several years of searching and bouncing around, I finally have a place to work that I like (at least 95% of the time, no place is perfect really) and that pays me sufficiently. I think I could stick it out here in the long term. I feel I can relax a bit and not worry about job stability for either of us.

We can see the light at the end of the debt tunnel. Its slow going right now, but things are starting to get paid off, so we can increase payments to others. We're hopeful that in about 3 years we'll be in better financial shape (along with the economy) for a home loan to do some remodeling/expansion of our house.

The girls are starting to get more independent. Elise is finally potty trained, so we no longer have diapers. Yippee!!! They can dress themselves (even Elise) and can turn on the TV. Still need mommy or daddy to turn on lights, get drinks (they can reach most of the food options), help with DVR/DVS (until Cami is better at reading). Of course, now we're starting homework too, another new thing.

Life is good right now, if busy.

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