Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kids and Law Don't Mix

I'm ranting hard today because one of the partners in my law office was annoyed because I deemed to question incredulously why there was even a question as to whether I was coming in this morning because me and another attorney were switching offices. My secretary is calling me at 8:45 because I hadn't yet gotten to my office this morning, I was only about 10 minutes away. Because I ask why it was even an issue, this partner thinks I'm disrespecting him because he thought maybe I wasn't coming in because I don't come in on (most) school holidays and snow days. I'm sorry, was today a holiday? Was there snow? No. So why was it even a question?

You know, law schools need to put out a bulletin that says "Attention Women: If You Ever Plan on Having Kids, Don't Be A Lawyer" or at least, don't be one if you have to work for someone else. I have yet to work at any office where there was real understanding to the female lawyer with kids. Fortunately, the partner I work directly for understands, but unfortunately, he's probably not going to be practicing all that many more years (maybe 5 I'm guessing), the other name partner, whom most of the associates work under, isn't quite so understanding.

It just fucking annoys the hell out of me that lawyer bosses cannot realize that some people believe there is more to life than sitting in a god damn office all day and all night long. That some people, women especially, believe that its better to actually see their children awake more than just a few hours on a weekend.

I work my butt off when I'm in the office, I take work home, I fucking bill my god damn 200+ billable hours almost every month and still I get bitched at because I'm not in the office by 8:00 a.m. every single day. Well excuse me for being the only lawyer in this office to either have young kids, or not have a stay at home wife to take care of the kids. I have all these issues and I still bill more that most of the other attorneys in this office. So shut the fuck up!

Yeah, I don't come in on most holidays and the occasional snow day. Its not my fault that we had five snow days this year because we had Snowmaggeddon. And one of those days, I did come into the office, but I had to bring my kids in too. They all really loved that.

Yes, I do have a backup person who can babysit my kids. But she had to have fucking brain surgery in January so she's a little out of things for a while and couldn't babysit them during the Snowpocalypse. Like I'm supposed to expect that and find yet another person? Someone who's home all day and that I can trust and that lives close by? Excuse me for not having family around at my beck and call. Excuse me for having a husband that works full time too and has even less flexibility in his work hours than I do.

I'm just pissed off that I am doing more than is even expected of me (I was hired with the expectation of 180 hours a month and I bill more that 200 nearly every month), and its still not enough because the fucking partner doesn't see my face 10 hours day. I'm pissed off that virtually every partner I've ever worked for has these stupid fucking ego trips that they are god and are never wrong and everyone has to bow down before their greatness and you can't express any different opinion.

Its a good thing I like the one partner I do work for and he likes me. Cause I don't know if I could stand working for this other one. Frankly, I know I couldn't stand to work for him. I hate being micro-managed. Hopefully, the partner I work for will continue to work for a long time, at least long enough that this other partner will recognize that I do just as good of work, if not better than others, even with my other time commitments and leave me the fuck alone to do it.

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